As a parent, there are a few things in life that are guaranteed to keep you up at night - and one of them is a teething baby. I remember the days when my little one started teething. It was a time of sleepless nights, endless drool, and lots of crying - both from my baby and from me!
But fear not, fellow parents! With a few simple tricks, you too can survive the teething phase with your sanity (mostly) intact. Here are a few tips based on my own experiences:
1. Invest in teething toys - and lots of them
Babies love to put things in their mouths, especially when they're teething. So make sure you have plenty of safe, chewable toys on hand. Bonus points if they're easy to clean and can be put in the freezer for some extra soothing relief.
2. Keep a bib (or five) on hand at all times
Teething babies drool. A lot. And it seems like no matter how many times you wipe their chin, they're always wet. Invest in some cute bibs (because who says drool can't be fashionable?) and keep them handy. Trust me, your baby's outfits (and your laundry pile) will thank you.
3. Get creative with food
When my baby was teething, she didn't want to eat anything. Except for one thing: frozen blueberries. So, I started freezing other soft foods, like diced mango and avocado, and offering them as a snack. It was messy, but it worked. Find what your baby likes and go with it.
4. Don't forget about yourself
Teething babies are exhausting. So, make sure to take care of yourself too. Take a nap when your baby naps (if you can), ask for help when you need it, and indulge in a little self-care. After all, you can't take care of your baby if you're not taking care of yourself.
In the end, the teething phase will pass. It may seem like it's lasting forever, but I promise it won't. And one day, you'll look back on these sleepless nights and endless drool with a little bit of nostalgia (and a whole lot of relief that it's over). Hang in there, fellow parents!
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